Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby, I Was Born To Pay

With the recent release of her new album, Lady Gaga has been in the news more than Donald Trump has graced headlines. Her new singles, Born This Way and Judas have caused a stir among religious groups and churches. With lyrics promoting gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgendered liberation, she has pushed boundaries of expression and fought for the rights of those seeking equality in America in a widespread Christian society.  A fashion icon to several, an anti-religious fanatic to some, she has proven her music can hit the top of the music charts and win her several VMA awards faster than you can predict her next wardrobe change. She is in fact a trendsetter. Millions of fans line up to hear her sing at concerts all over the world, posting pictures on Facebook and updating Twitter statuses with avant-garde song lyrics and photo contest winners decked out in only the most bazaar clothing only a typical person would wear to a masquerade. Lady Gaga seems to be sitting on top of the world, invincible to her adversaries.

Could she be a musical genius? Or possibly the daughter of King Midas where everything she touches turns to gold? If she were asked the same question, I am sure she would consider herself a combination of both. However, critics question her brilliance on the debut of her new album due to similar sounding lyrics and a melodic tempo from a 1989 Madonna song entitled Express Yourself . I have listened to both songs several times, analyzed the lyrics, and have even sung both tunes while driving in five o’clock traffic. Both songs are similar. They’re almost too exact and too close for comfort. With the beginning of Lady Gaga’s song version introducing capital H.I.M. to an audience ready to rip the shirts off of young muscular boys, it mimics the same catchy tune in an almost remedial way. If Lady Gaga thought disguising her song around an eccentric dance tune and pulsating bass lines would throw her listeners off guard, she needs to remember the generation raised on the music of Madonna.

Adding insult to injury, Gaga denies ‘biting’ the musical arrangement off such a legend of an era when Prince, MJ, and Madonna were the central focus of conversation, controversy and artistry. It will be interesting to see how the story unfolds within the next couple of months. Will lawyers defend Gaga in court and be prepared to pay royalties to the record company she has allegedly stolen the song from? Or will she evade the courtroom altogether? Only time will tell in incidents like this particular one.

One thing that is evident, she will continue to throw caution to the wind and publically offend more conservative individuals who frown upon her artistic display of rebellion. Shouting expletives and offensive phrases comes as natural to her as prayer is to a Catholic priest. Neither action requires repeatedly being taught, but both are easily followed by example. A person of eminent faith may argue Lady Gaga is merely reaping what she has sown by mocking Christian scripture and pious dogma. To those nodding their heads in disbelief, perhaps she is in dire need of spiritual guidance? To those who believe she is standing for those who cannot take a stand on their own for fear of scrutiny, she is spiritually guided by another form of faith. Either way, she may need to seek legal guidance within the next few weeks.